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Error -1073807246 (Hex 0xBFFF0072) when trying to read Arduino Serial Monitor


I am trying a simple project where I use LabVIEW to read the Serial Monitor of an Arduino Uno connected to the computer via USB. If you look in the Arduino Code, you can see all I do is generate a string of text and output it to the Serial Monitor every second. What I want LabVIEW to do is read the data from the serial monitor and display it in a string indicator. So far, I have followed a couple video tutorials online (all of which were successful) but I get the following error from the Visa Configure Serial Port VI:

Error -1073807246 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->Access Serial Monitor

Possible reason(s):

VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0072) The resource is valid, but VISA cannot currently access it.

I understand that the Arduino is using the serial port, which is selected as COM3 on both the Arduino IDE and LabVIEW, and that these two programs may not access this port at the same time, but why can other people do it and I can't? Those YouTube tutorial programs were all quite simple and similar in design.


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