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Error -1073807343 occurred at niFgen

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I'm having issues the issue as above.


I have a PXIe Chasis. I've swapped the controller to a brand new one. (Same model - PXIe 8133). Just the controller has been swapped nothing else.


I wanted to set up a new one and only use the LV Runtime and the exe file created with LV Runtime 2009.

On the new controller I keep getting this error when I run my application. 

Everything works great on the old one but the old one has the Full LV Development system installed on it


The new controller that I get the error on:

It has preinstalled LV runtime so I did not install it.

I've installed the NI Device drivers first from the 2010 DS2 Device Drivers disk. But I got the error when I tried to run the app.

I uninstalled the drivers and insalled older ones from 2010 DS1 ( as I thought this could help as those are the drivers for LV 2009 SP1 which was used to create the exe file )


I get the same problem however.


The exe file works it has been tested on many devices but they all had the full development system installed on them.


Any hints?



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Message 1 of 2
Accepted by topic author Mac671

Just wanted to post on this topic.


I got the issue resolved, thanks to an NI Support person.


It was related with one of my NI Cards I got installed.
For some reason on the NEW Controller in the MAX I could se 2 instances of the card.

One active , one not active.


I've plugged in the old Controller and exported it's MAX configuration to a file.

I've plugged back the new controller and opened MAX:

1) I've removed ( deleted ) the inactive NI Card From the list in MAX

2) I've imported the configuration form the pervious contoller.


It started working.

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Message 2 of 2