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Error 1612 when uninstalling LabVIEW 2009



I'm trying to uninstall LabVIEW 2009 from an Acer tablet running Windows 7.  Whenever I attempt to uninstall it though, I receive error 1612.  Also, I'm not doing any weird methods of uninstalling; I'm following what the NI website says to do!  When looking at previous topics that discussed this issue, none really seemed to come to a clear solution and I'm not sure yet if using a 3rd party program is the way to go.  Have any new solutions to this problem appeared?  I need to uninstall LabVIEW 2009 so I can install the 2014 version on it.  That way I can move a program that I wrote on my personal laptop to my lab's tablet.


Any help is much appreciated!



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Message 1 of 3

You don't need to uninstall 2009 to install 2014.  That said, it sounds like something is corrupt.  As counter-intuitive as it may sound, you might try installing 2009 from the command prompt using the command:  setup.exe /reinstall


That will force the installer to overwrite registry entries and the such.  After that's complete, you should be able to uninstall.

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Message 2 of 3
In my case, I actually do...there's less than a gig of memory storage left on this horrible tablet and I'm hoping to uninstall this older version of LabVIEW to make room for the 2014 version. I'd just keep it if I could.

I'll try your suggestion when I get the chance.
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Message 3 of 3