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Filter for noise reduction

I'm collecting Force, displacement and acceleration data for a gun mount and was wondering what would be the best filter to use to clean up the noise before and after a shot is fired.

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Message 1 of 4

The answer to that really depends on what is causing the noise and what you are doing with the data.


Are you using separate transducers or are you using an accelerometer and calculating force and displacement?  What information do you need in the "before" and "after" regions? Maybe you can just set the data to zero?


Please give us more details so that we can help.



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Message 2 of 4

I'm using seperate transducers for each measurement.  Actually setting the data to zero would probably work perfectly.  What's an easy way of doing that?



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Message 3 of 4



Use Replace Array Subset. Or use Array Subset to get just the portion with the interesting data.


You still need to define which time regions are to be ignored.  Do you have some kind of trigger signal which lets you know that the gun is being fired or do you just look for a peak in the data?



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Message 4 of 4