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Fixed number of major tick marks

Is it possible to make the number of major tick marks on a waveform graph fixed?
I have multiple scales and I want the tick marks on these to correspond with one grid. I've locked the number of gridlines, and now I wonder if it is possible to write some sort of code making the number of tick marks fixed? Thx!
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Message 1 of 2
You can use the properties of the graph to set the number of major and minor tick marks (X Scale->Range->Minimum, Maximum, Increment, Minor Increment).  In older versions of LabVIEW, you may have to do this every time you write new data to the graph.  I don't know if this bug has been fixed.  Make sure you turn autoscaling on that axis off.  If you have more than one X axis, you will need to set Active X Scale before setting the Range values.
If you need more help, let us know.
Message 2 of 2