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Four corner test /stress test


I would like some help with making a program for regulating a climatic chamber in LabVIEW.

I want to make a program in which I can test and regulate a low temperature in two hours and then, LabVIEW automatically, make the same test for a higher temperature in two hours. These two tests should switch within each other for 40 hours.

Get it? Two hours test 1, Two hours test 2, two hours test 1, two hours test 2... and so on for 40 hours.

The serial communication between the chamber and LabVIEW is working, my problem is how to build the program. I assume I have to use a Time sequence of some sort. But how?!




// Maria

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I would suggest using a FOR loop that ran 10 times.
Inside this FOR loop would be a task that would run 2 hours then another task that would run another 2 hours.
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