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GPIB Problem Error 6



I've just started programming with LabVIEW, and I guess this problem of mine is actually pretty silly, so please bear with me 🙂

In the attached VI, I want to search for the stimulating frequency that corresponds to the largest amplitude. The GPIB read always gives an error message called error 6. I checked the programming manual and it says:

"Error correction for the selected calibration class cannot be computed until all the necessary standards have been measured"

I don't quite understand what it means. Could someone please interpret it for me in semi-layman's language, and offer any suggestion to fix the bug?

Thanks so much!



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Message 1 of 3

A new problem. When I shut the program and relaunch it just now, it produced a GPIB write error: Error 2: memory is full. What does that mean?

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Message 2 of 3

Error 2 does not mean memory full when GPIB is being used. See the text 'Possible Reason(s)'? Use the reason associated with GPIB.


Error 6 is not coming from the instrument and means I/O operation aborted.


You do not provide the make and model of the instrument. You should search for an existing instrument driver. Much simpler than reinventing the wheel. Look at Tools>Instrumentation>Find Instrument Drivers.


And if you decide to create your own, use the VISA functions and get rid of the sequence structure. Connect error out to error in to control dataflow.

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