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Glyphs in icon editor : gone

Ok- so I just opened my icon editor in 2013 and noticed my glyphs have dissapeared entirely.


I found these while searching:


I tried the "syncronize with" and I get this:


My Glyphs folder in LabVIEW Data dir is no longer read only...


I downloaded the glyphs zip from ThSa (5th msg in the 1st thread I linked to) and got the ones from his zip to load, but I'm still missing most...


where o where have my glyphs gone?


Thanks for any help!



EDIT:  I didnt mention the lead in the one post linking to the NI library itself - I couldnt get the link to work at first, but now I got it- I guess I was too quick to post.


sorry for the repost.

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Message 1 of 2

I have attached a more uptodate glyph folder (assuming you just want the NI ones and don't have a load of custom ones).


Try adding to My Documents\LabView Data\Glyphs


Message 2 of 2