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Have text field get focus in a pop over dialog

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I am trying to get the attached dialog to


1. pop up over any other application that might be running, and

2. have the string control ("Combined scan of all 4 bar codes") get focus


In the VI I set the string control KeyFocus property to True.




If I click the run arrow from the dialog front panel, it works as expected.


If I click the run arrow from the dialog diagram, the OK button has focus. If TestStand calls the VI, the VI pops up but the title bar doesn't have focus. When I click on the title bar, the "OK" button has focus.


In the VI Properties->Window Appearance, I choose Custom over Dialog because Dialog does not bring the VI to the front when TestStand calls the VI. Here are my customized window appearance settings for the dialog:


customize window appearance.PNG

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Message 1 of 3

Found the issue.


preferred execution system.PNG


the preferred execution system was 'user interface'. It needed to be standard, as it turned out.

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author stephenb2

This is what I needed; I was unaware this existed: Making Dialog Boxes Modal to TestStand.

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Message 3 of 3