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How could I increment the build number of an application from the command-line?

Goal: Have a script to increment the version and build the labview application using Labview 8.0


Currenly, I found the NI article Programmatically Build Applications in LabVIEW where you can build  different build application from the command-line using the


I am only missing how to update/modify/increment the build/version number information from the command-line. 


I tried to look at the .../resource/appbuild folder where some vi that could be interesting can be found: (but they all are locked!!)


    • ...


Is there any way to perform this operation?




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Message 1 of 4

Hi Gig52,


Unfortunately, there is no way for you update/modify/increment the build/version number information from the command line. You will have to set that via the Project Explorer. You could check the box labeled Auto Increment in the Version Information property to have the version number automatically increment each time you build your application.

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Message 2 of 4

Is it absolutely required that it work from the command-line?


JKI talked about a one-click build solution here.


 You could possibly extend that to include updating the project properties programmatically.

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Message 3 of 4
Hrmm, I actually read the comments to that blog entry.  You aren't the only one trying to change the version number.  As mentioned there, you could use XML editing tools (inside or outside of LabVIEW) to read and modify the values in the .lvproj file.
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Message 4 of 4