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How do I change the number of significant digits in a slide's digital display?

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I suspect I'm missing something really obvious. I want the slide's digital display to show 1.23 instead of 1.23456. Here's what I tried:


1. Drop a Horizontal Pointer Slide
2. Make its Digital Display visible
3. Type 1.23456 into that display
4. Pop up on the Digital Display and select "Display Format..."
5. Change the number of significant digits to 3 and hit "OK"


The digital display still shows 1.23456. What am I missing?

Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author bmihura2

When you went into the property window, at the top left is a pulldown that you use to select either the slide or the numeric display.

Message 2 of 4

That's it! Thanks.

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Message 3 of 4

LOL - I had the same problem.  Hidden in plain sight!  All I saw was Numeric, and thought "Duh! Of course it's numeric - it's a slider!"


I do think NI could do a much better job on this, perhaps with more informative labelling.  Slider Scaling or Scale Format might be better.  Also, since one can select the Digital Display by itself on the front panel, one should be taken directly to the digital display formatting when Properties is selected, instead of still having to change the dropdown. By selecting the digital display instaead of the slider, you're implying that you want to change its format only.

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Message 4 of 4