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How do I count how many times a control boolean is true

As part of a college project using LabVIEW 5.1.1 I am trying to count how many times a control boolean is set to true. Any help would be greatfully appreciated, plus if possible an example as I'm new to LabVIEW.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7
See if this helps you, if you need more info Ill explain more tomorrow but I need to run.

Message 2 of 7
Forgot something.....
Message 3 of 7
Since Dave's VI was saved in LV 7.1, here's my contribution.
You use a shift register to check in each iteration of the loop whether the boolean value changed, and if it has whether it has changed to T or F. If it has changed to T, you increase the counter.
Keep in mind that this code can't catch changes that happen quicker than the loop rate - that means that if the value changed to T and then back to F before the loop could start again, it won't detect it. This is good for user input, but if you want software or hardware input, there are other methods.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
Hi Blip,

I hope this helps. It is similar to what NIDave done. Also it is written in LV 5.1.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Great example, I was stuck but close.

Thanks for posting.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7