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How do i get my waveform graph to plot all points that are sent to it in sequence and not just the latest point?

Hi I have completed the majority of this program to test three different voltages and to run a power supply that ramps up and down. There are three close to identical code blocks that are the individual multimeters which gather the voltages. The block I am havin trouble with is in the uooer right hand portion of the main loop. What happens is the data is sent to the linear regression block and the outputted data is only plotting the most recent point and not all of the points as they are processed.


Now I am new to labview but i have copied the blocks straight from examples and am not sure what is wrong if it is the auto indexing at points that is messing this up? It is being built in labview 8.6. Thanks for any Help!

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Message 1 of 87

You need to add a shift register to your code. I added it in the place that I thought you were talking about. You should look at trying to make your code fit on one window and clean it up a bit. It would make it much easier to troubleshoot.

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Message 2 of 87

Thank you much for your help but i am unable to open the file because of my version is there anyway you can provide a screenshot of your solution? Thanks

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 87

What version are you on?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 87

I also noticed that you have a fore loop that exicutes one time twice in your code this is really not necessary. I removed the fore loops and have cleaned up your code a little. When you tell me what version that you need I will repost what I have.

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Message 5 of 87

 8.6 we had trouble trying to upgrade to 10.0

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Message 6 of 87

This is so much worst than I first thought. I am trying to clean your code and understand what you are trying to do. Give me a little while and I will see if I can eventually help. I believe that you are going to have to get a better understanding of what is going on in LabVIEW. I will try and guide you as much as I can.

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Message 7 of 87

Why are you using a timed loop with a 20000 timeout? Do you want to have a iteration time of 20 seconds between readings?


The linear graph is not working because you are only giving the graph one point an X and Y value.


You can clean up your code a lot buy putting the keathly stuff into a loop and iterating three times to ge the data that you want.


Here isw what I have so far.

Message 8 of 87

yes we are taking readings every twenty seconds. I was trying to send the graph the x and y values and have them added each time to the graph. The one plot should be the x and y values wired to it and the second should be the same x values but used through the linear fitting block. Therefore showing the actual data and the best fitted line. Thank you so much for the help

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 87

Also i am using 8.6... is there a way for you to save the file so it is compatible with 8.6?

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Message 10 of 87