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How do i get my waveform graph to plot all points that are sent to it in sequence and not just the latest point?

Here is what I have so far. This is a lot of work. I am trying to help as much as I can but I hope that you can see what I am doing so that you can start making changes yourself.


Here is the latest in 8.0. There is still a lot to do so do not think it is done.

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Message 11 of 87

If you can explain what you wan to do with the rest of the code we can start making the changes that yo uneed to make so that it will work. I am not sure what you are doing with the data acqisition part. Do you want a delay between the the different reading from the Keithly? It looked like to me that you wanted 10 second or something in between each one but did not know how to do that. Could you explain this a little more so that I can better help you?

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Message 12 of 87

Thank you it looks mostly correct just a small thing we are trying to take sets of 26 readings and then have a wait time of 20 seconds in between cycles of readings.

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Message 13 of 87

Sorry i didnt see your last reply until i had finished... yes kind of confusing but we want to take cycles of readings. There will be 26 steps in a reading of the power supply ramping up and down. In between readings we are trying to get 10 second delays. So in the end we would like to have a cycle of readings spaced ten seconds apart and then have twenty seconds in between cycles.

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Message 14 of 87

OK to make our lives easier now you get to learn about state machines. If you look at the code you will see that I added a state machine to your code. It will smiplify what you are trying to do. Just look at the wait frame in the code and you will see what I mean about making things easier. Look at some of the examples for state machine and that will also help you understand. I also finally got your code to fit on one window. That will be great when you ask for more help or if you run into probelms.


Take a look at what I did and and ask any questions that you need to ask then we will start moving ahead again.

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Message 15 of 87

Wow this state Machine seems very useful. Now do you want to cut up the take reading state and distribute them into the process data and save states? I understand that it makes it much more clear to look at and understand but wont it be complex to wire the data between states?


I guess I am confused on how data is passed between the states when it is specific like having three different voltages being measured. How does the system allow you to pass that many different data streams?

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Message 16 of 87

Here is the latest. We use clusers here so if you do not know how to use them you need to look that up.

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Message 17 of 87

How are you coming with what I sent yesterday?

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Message 18 of 87

Its coming along very well. I moved the graphs over to process data and rearranged the order that the states are in appropriately. I have a couple of questions one is regarding to the Raw data and fitted curve, I understood when you started working on this that only one value was being sent, and stored, to the graph, but i thought that would be fixed by the build array(s) right before the code? If they dont work that way which i dont think they do then I dont understand what their purpose is.


Here is where I am at.









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Message 19 of 87

The build array that you are using does not work the way you think.


Build Array.png

The build array takes the single number and turns it into an array of one value. You either need to build the array of each value by passing the array through the shift register or by doing a point to point evaluation.


So you need to replace what you have with this.


Point to Point.png


You can find that one the palet here:


Palet Position.png


Or if you want to keep a history then you will need to build and array and feed it to the VI that you are using.

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Message 20 of 87