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How do you get an RTF stream to work ?

I'm trying to get a Richtext box as a screen logfile to work.
I've used RTF with EditstreamCallback in MSVC 6 & want to get the same thing working in labview. (I'm using 8.2 Professional)
I can't seem to find any relavent examples in the help or forums.
Has anyone done this before & is willing to reveal how ?
The Stream allows content to be added till you run out of ram & swap without loosing anything & keeping scroll back to the beginning & doing the memory management for you.
Text, fonts, colour, tab settings, images etc can be added to the RTF box.
It can be saved & printed.
I have tried & made a RTF control display from a saved rtf file, it doesn't track adding new content & has to be reloaded for each update made.
I have made 'rtf command text' be displayed direct but I have to do the buffering work & have to add onto the previous text line each time.
Both of these seem to me to use resources a lot.
Any help appreciated.
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Message 1 of 4

hi there

have you tried the "RichTextBox" control from the ".NET and ActiveX" palette? Never deald with that, but maybe its useful.


Best regards

CL(A)Dly bending G-Force with LabVIEW

famous last words: "oh my god, it is full of stars!"
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Message 2 of 4

The two goes at making it work used that LV control.

You then have to register a callback for the stream to read in the new information when you want to add something.

That's the bit I can't get to work.......



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Message 3 of 4
Can you post what you've done so far?
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Message 4 of 4