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How to Read TDMS Files in Matlab in OSX

Using the example found on the NI website (, I am able to read my TDMS files into Matlab when using a PC.  However, when I try to read them on my Mac, I receive an error:


??? There was an error loading the library "/Applications/MATLAB75/work/TDMS_files/dev/bin/"
Error using ==> loaddefinedlibrary
dlopen(/Applications/MATLAB75/work/TDMS_files/dev/bin/, 1): image not found

Error in ==> read_tdms at 21
loadlibrary(DLL_Path, H_Path);


 My best guess for this error is the fact that Matlab operates through a Linux interface on Mac, which I found will open the file type .so and not .dll for this type of library.  Is there some way to get around this in OSX and get it to read the .dll files?  Or is there some way to get the libraries as .so files instead of .dll files?


Thanks for any help!


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You may wish to look at a Matlab script another user wrote since they were having issues with NI's matlab support:


The script supposedly converts TDMS files directly in Matlab with no use of NI generated external DLLs.  He was having issues because the NI tools hadn't been updated for the new version of Matlab.

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