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How to acquire and display data from labview to excel simultaneously



I am using the NI-DAQ to measure the falling edges of a clock and display them into a table. What I need is to display these data in a table in excel while the program is running. In addition, when I receive a pulse from an external clock, for which I have created a digital channell, the data must be logged in a different column. In other words, every time I receive a pulse the data must be stored in the adjacent column in excel.



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Hello Evangelos,


As far as I know and have experienced, it is not possible to access a spreadsheet file (or any file, for that matter) by two programs at the same time, you will get an error.


Also, a couple of observations on your code:

  1. A constant wired to a case selector of a case structure makes no sense as the false case will never be executed.
  2. Move the DAQmx Read from your Digital Input task into the while loop, as the DAQmx Read will only read once and the wire won’t get information in or out of a while loop as long as the while loop is iterating.
Daniel REDS
RF Systems Engineer

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