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How to calibrate the sensor data

Hi all, I would like to ask you how to calibrate the data of the four sensors from 0 to 3 in the graph? Is it possible to use the curve fitting module directly? Since I'm a beginner, I don't quite understand what this error code means.error20037.PNGcurve fiting.PNG


Thanks a lot!


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Message 1 of 6

You need to show us your LabVIEW code, which are contained in files with the extension .vi, .ctl, .lvproj, and maybe others.  If I asked you for help with a large C++ project, and included a picture of the "main" section of the C++ code, but no .h files, and none of the other subroutines and functions that you coded to make your code actually run, how much help could you give me?


You have a very clear Error message -- the Wires (which look like they might be an array of Waveforms?) that contain "data points" (but we can't "inspect the wire", so we can't tell what they contain) aren't greater than the order value of the fit, which we also can't evaluate as it is buried "inside" the Curve Fitting Express VI.


If your code is contained inside a LabVIEW Project, compress the folder containing the Project file ("something".lvproj), the top-level VI, and the sub-VIs and other support files (like TypeDefs) that you create, and attach the resulting .ZIP file.  It would also be good to attach a VI that you save with an Indicator showing a set of "typical data" (there's nothing like seeing "real data", where we can actually count how much data you are trying to "curve-fit", and can also test your curve-fitting routine, all by itself, with "sample data" that you are trying to fit).


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Bob, thanks for your reply. I put the program in attachment, the demo_17.05 is this program. Main part was wroten by the supplier HBM.


Thanks again!


Best regards



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6


     All the "magic" happens in the HBM boxes, which looks like this when I open your VI:


This seems to be a straight-forward DAQmx setup from HBM.  The various boxes in this sequence probably identify the sampling rate, number of channels, and other information that would be necessary to understand where the problem lies.


You also failed to attach your code that includes the Express VI that does Curve Fitting!  This is the source of your Error, and without looking at what you did, I can't venture an opinion about where the problem lies (other than "the number of data points in the Y value array" is less than or equal to the order value).


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi Bob, thanks for the reply. I was going to upload the other subroutines, but they were already over the 10MB limit, so I couldn't upload them, due to system limitations. Can I send it to you by email?


Thanks a lot.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi Han,


@han0504 wrote:

Hi Bob, thanks for the reply. I was going to upload the other subroutines, but they were already over the 10MB limit, so I couldn't upload them, due to system limitations. Can I send it to you by email?

Run your VI until you get good/enough data in your "Diagram" indicator.

Then Edit->Set all values to default and save your VI.

Then attach the VI.


This way we can delete all missing subVIs, but still get the data you try to analyze…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 6 of 6