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How to get an input signal from an encoder to the DAQ?

Hi Gerrald Mateo,


Thanks because you have explain quite well regarding the NI 9411. Regarding the programming, when i open up the NI 94xx Quadrature - Scan mode, I couldn't find any FPGA files in it. Is there a way to see this file? Do you have any examples to be attached here to help me get an input signal from an encoder to be show onto a waveform graph? 

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 19

Hi afai,


You can simply call me Gerrald.

Anyway, there is still no FPGA file in the existing project because it was configured to scan mode. However, you can reconfigure this project into FPGA mode by following the steps in the 'Using This Examples.htm' file. Were you able to find this under project explorer? If not, you can find it under NI 94xx Input - Quadrature - Scan Mode.lvproj > RT CompactRIO Target > Using this Example.htm. I also attached the file here. This is a very detailed step by step instruction on how you can use this example so I believe it will be able to help you in starting your application. Since this example allows you to acquire the encoder signals, all you have to add here is a waveform graph to be able to display it. We can work on doing the display later after we are able to acquire the encoder signals through the given example. Thanks!

Best Regards,
Gerrald Mateo
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 19
Hi Gerrald, Thank you for helping me. Now, i will try to follow what you have just said. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you again.
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 19

Hi afai,


No problem. The pleasure is ours. You may email me at or our engineers at if ever you encounter issues with regards to your implementation. Thanks and goodluck on your project!

Best Regards,
Gerrald Mateo
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 19

Hi afai,


A new issue was raised by YQ_sg, another user who has a project similar to yours, and I believe you might also find my reply to his concern useful. You can find his thread here:

You can update me on your progress or on any problems that you may encounter throughout the implementation anytime. Thanks! 

Best Regards,
Gerrald Mateo
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 19

Hi Gerrald,


I just realised that my compactrio software do no have the NI scan engine and thus can't run the scan mode. I have read up the post regarding YQ_sg and sure its the same project as me as far as i could see. Same with me, I too have the problem of crating an FPGA programme. If i use the FPGA wizard, do you tink it will be much simpler and may i know what is the disadvantages on using that?


Thank you...

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 19

Hi afai,


Regarding installation of Scan Engine to your cRIO, you may refer to this advice from one of our engineers:

"This is Kellis Garrett from the Applications Engineering department at NI,
and I will be assisting you with this Service Request. When you see each of
your RIOs in Measurement & Automation Explorer, you can expand their
corresponding trees by clicking the triangle to left of each one. Once you
have the tree expanded, you will see Software. Right-click on Software, and
click Add/Remove Software. On the window that automatically pops up, select
Custom Installation and click Next, then click Yes. Look for NI Scan
Engine, click on the X to the left of it, and select Install this Feature.
Finish the installation, making sure you are installing all the other
software you need deployed to your RIO. Repeat for all of your devices.
Hope this helps!"

Yes you can use the FPGA wizard to implement your project. The only drawback I'm seeing is that you may have to start it from scratch rather than already having the existing VIs that you just need to modify like what I recommended to YQ_sg. Having said that, it will still depend on your preference whether you would like to build it from scratch through the FPGA wizard or just modify the existing example that I refered YQ_sg to. Like I said, you can refer to YG_sg's thread for more info on implementing the program in FPGA. We would also appreciate it if your could reply there directly, since you also think that YG_sg and you have the same project and problem, so that we could avoid redundancy here in the forum. Thank you very much for your cooperation,

Best Regards,
Gerrald Mateo
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 19

Hi Gerrald, 


I am so sorry due to the inconvenience I have caused. I will reply all my post in YQ_sg post. Thank you very much for your help.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 19

Hi afai,


No worries. It wasn't very clear whether you had the same issue to begin with so no need for apologies. Thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,
Gerrald Mateo
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 19