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I want to convert the attached VI from 10.0 to 8.5.1



I still don't fully understand why you're wanting to use virtual TEDS to do this.  All the virtual TEDS are going to do for your non-TEDS sensor in this case is set the excitation, sensitivity, etc.  that you could also do using DAQmx VIs without adding this extra complexity.  Is there a certain reason why you need to use virtual TEDS?  It shouldn't affect the acquired data.


I don't think this has anything to do with your power supply, but rather the way that you're trying to set up your VI to read data.  Take a look at the example that I linked above and you should be able to acquire your data from your IEPE sensor and set up the excitation, etc. using this.

Austin S.

National Instruments
Academic Field Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 26

Hey Waleed,


The TEDS information is not crucial to getting the waveform. As long as you have entered in the proper values for sensitivity and such we should be able to get the measurement.


Can you verify that you are getting 24 Volts from your power supply hookup? I was wondering if you had tried using the onboard power the 9233 can supply. Often the 19 V will actually work with a 24V sensor.


Regarding the FRF analysis are you going to put this inline on the compact RIO, or are you planning on just saving the data to file and then post processing it later?


For the long term going to an FRF solution from that example code is going to be somewhat challenging. I would recommend maybe considering using the CRIO wavefrom reference library. This would allow you to more quickly create the triggering situation you would need for a proper FRF analysis.





0 Kudos
Message 22 of 26



Correction to my previous post.  I'm not sure how I forgot you were doing this with the cRIO, but you won't be able to use the DAQmx example that I linked to you.  My apologies!


Take a look at the cRIO Waveform Reference Library that Mickey linked above and see what you think about using those functions instead.

Austin S.

National Instruments
Academic Field Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 23 of 26



Is the CRIO waveform reference library available on Labview 8.5? I could not see it as a palette when I right click on the block diagram? Is this expected or should it be there? I thought that virtual TEDS will translate the acquired voltage to meaningful acceleration and force. That is why I intended to use it. How can I translate the voltage to acceleration and force(impact) using compactRIO? Is there something equivalent to the acceleration task used in DAQmx?   


Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 24 of 26

Hello Waleed,


The cRIO Waveform Reference Library is only available for 8.6 or later according to the following information from the download page.


Alternative Download Options: 
is palette based and is compatible with LabVIEW 2010 or later does not install to user.lib and is compatible with LabVIEW 8.6 or later


Also, the top link (where the VIs show up in the palette) is only available for 2010. These VIs are the equivalent for the DAQmx tasks that you are referring to.


0 Kudos
Message 25 of 26

Hi Waleed,


The Waveform Reference library requires LabVIEW 8.6 or later.


The virtual teds will do the conversion, but really the voltage conversion is just a constant based on your sensors calibrated sensitivity. I would recommend trying to get to a later version of LV if possible. The Waveform reference will make your task much simpler.


If that is not an option though I would say that in LabVIEW Real-Time code running on the CRIO you could just multiply the voltage by a constant.


Have a great weekend,



0 Kudos
Message 26 of 26