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INI file functions don't work in EXE on on some devices

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I have an application that uses the INI file functions to save some values to be remembered the next time the EXE runs.  The application runs fine on normal desktop PCs and laptops, but I tried installing it on a tablet PC that is also running Windows 10 Pro and the INI file write throws an Error 1 when it tries to dequeue inside the write key subvi.


Any ideas how to fix this?

Certified LabVIEW Architect since 2007
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Message 1 of 44
Where is the .ini file stored on disk? Does this tablet have the same security and account set up as the other computers?
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Message 2 of 44

The Open INI File function doesn't throw any kind of access errors.  I tried running as Admin just in case, but the error on Dequeue Element persists.



Certified LabVIEW Architect since 2007
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Message 3 of 44

What is meant by "dequeue inside the write key subvi"?


Edit: nvm, I see what you mean in your second post.  We crossed.

(Mid-Level minion.)
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Message 4 of 44

What is it dequeuing?

(Mid-Level minion.)
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Message 5 of 44

INI File Queue Element.png

 Apparently it dequeues this cluster of path, boolean, and 1D array of clusters of strings and a 2D array of strings.

Certified LabVIEW Architect since 2007
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Message 6 of 44

If the queue is invalid when it tries to dequeue, you'll get an error 1.  Since you are CLA, I am going to say you don't have a race condition where you are using the queue before it is created, but maybe some kind of unexpected error prevents the queue from being created in the first place?

(Mid-Level minion.)
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Message 7 of 44

I figure it has to be either something about it being a tablet PC or that I am missing some kind of driver or something, because the exact same executable works fine on a couple other computers that I ran it on.

Certified LabVIEW Architect since 2007
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Message 8 of 44

@David_R._Asher wrote:

I figure it has to be either something about it being a tablet PC or that I am missing some kind of driver or something, because the exact same executable works fine on a couple other computers that I ran it on.

Well if the error is indeed showing up at "Dequeue Element" you can go back through the source to see where the queue ref might become invalid or isn't created, that could point you in the right direction.  Once you see why the ref is invalid, you're a short step away from figuring out what caused it.  That would be my approach.

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 9 of 44

Unfortunately I only had access to the tablet where the error shows up for a short time.  I was kind of hoping someone else had seen similar behavior with INI files or queues not working in executables on some devices.  If I can get the tablet back I'll give that a try.



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Message 10 of 44