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Imaq ReadFile VI : "File Data Type out" tells 6 instead of 16-bit

Dear All,


I am loading a 16-bit image as shown below, and the "File Data Type out" output is incorrect (6 instead of 16).

Nevertheless, the "Image Display" proves that it is correctly loaded (based on pixel values, up to 65k).

My VI works anyway, but am I missing something ?





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Hello Ghislain_B,


Tnaks for posting onto National Instruments forum.


Can you send the picture you use?

    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 2 of 10

Hi BenjaminR,

I'm sorry but I couldn't find a way to post my .tif image.

Maybe this info is enough :

Every pixel of this image has a value of 2943 (it's just a backgroujnd image).

Here are the properties of this image as seen in ImageJ :


Title: ImgFondNePasSupprimer.tif
Width:  1376 pixels
Height:  1038 pixels
ID: -3
Coordinate origin:  0,0
Bits per pixel: 16 (unsigned)
Display range: 2160 - 8400
No Threshold
Magnification: 0.75

If it isn't enough, please explain me how to post it Smiley Tongue

Thanks !



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10



File Data Type out indicates the pixel size defined in the header for standard image file types. File Options are not necessary for reading standard image files. So the 006 you get should be in the header of your TIF file.

    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 4 of 10

Thanks for your help but I couldn't find out how to look at the image reader !

The best I tried was to open it with imageJ in debug mode :


FileInfo: name=ImgFondNePasSupprimer.tif, dir=/Users/Ghislain/Desktop/, url=, width=1376, height=1038, nImages=1, type=ushort, format=2, offset=170, whiteZero=f, Intel=f, lutSize=0, comp=1, ranges=null, samples=1
Image Description: ImageJ=1.40g min=2160.0 max=8400.0 

Well, "type=ushort" is correct isn't it ?


The most simple would be to upload the image, but I still don't know how to do this... Smiley Sad



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

You just need to add your photo in a ZIP file then add it here.

    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 6 of 10

Oh I'm sorry : I had tried the "insert image" button, but I had not even seen the "attachments" field.

I hope you'll find the problem in the header of this image, otherwise it's far more complicated...

Thanks for your help again !


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10



I have implemented a TIFF file reader where you can have all the information stored in the hearder.


Is the image you obtain is correct in your application? Why do you need to have this ouput?

    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 8 of 10

Thanks, I'll try the library for the TIF header. But did you see anything abnormal yourself with my image ?

Yes, as I said in my first message, the Image is displayed as a 16-bit image, which is perfect. And if I save it, it remains a 16-bit image.

As you can guess, I don't really use "file data type out" : I just noticed it didn't work and that's why I posted here. 😉

We'll find what's wrong !



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Well, I'm sorry but your library didn't help me understand why it says 6 and not 16-bits.

Or perhaps I didn't understand it well.

When my file was loaded, the "image type" entry remained at "0" : is it normal ?


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Message 10 of 10