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Installer generated executable and executable used in creating installer

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Hi , 

I've created the executable which runs very well and calls a python script for calculation.

But when I created the installer using the same executable and installed  it in C:\Program Files (x86)\MyApp folder , it does not behave the same as the original executable and doesn't call the python script. Is there any standard guidelines which should be followed while creating installer? Have anybody faced the similar issue? 





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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author lvbms

@lvbms wrote:

Hi , 

I've created the executable which runs very well and calls a python script for calculation.

But when I created the installer using the same executable and installed  it in C:\Program Files (x86)\MyApp folder , it does not behave the same as the original executable and doesn't call the python script. Is there any standard guidelines which should be followed while creating installer? Have anybody faced the similar issue? 

It's unlikely that it's the installer's fault.


It could be the path that is not handled well in the application. Maybe there are static paths, or Python (or the way you call it) can't handle spaces in the path name? It could also be a rights issue. You might need to select the "unlock" tag on files in program files you write to.


This is a situation where proper error handling comes in play. If something is not working, descriptive feedback helps. You can always add some popups here and there to find the issue.


Alternatively, build the application with debugging on. That way you can connect to it from the development environment, and use probes to find where it goes wrong.


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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for the direction. The python was not handling spaces in the path. So I've to added double quote around the path. It should solve the problem.

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Message 3 of 3