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Interfacing of PIC18F452 microcontroller with LabVIEW program using serial port by means of serial communciation

Hello, I want to interface my PIC18F452 microcontroller board(designed by myself) with the LabVIEW program using serial port by serial communication in order to acquire data and control the temperature but since I have little know how of LabVIEW, therefore i dont know that; is it possible or not.

If I need to interface some more hardware with my application then please let me know.

Please reply as soon as possible and thank you very much in advance. . .

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Message 1 of 5
It's really dependent on the the firmware that you write for the pic. LabVIEW comes with examples for serial communication and there are an enormous number of examples posted here. If you have written something on the pic side, you can test it with a program such as putty. Writing the pic code is not something for this board but there are techniques to make it simpler such as using termination character at the end of a write and read.
Message 2 of 5

Thanks Danny for quick reply. . .

Practically, I know how to program pic for serial communication but i dont know what kind of things needs to be configure in labview to communication with pic and to interface the pic with labview, does it also requires specially some change in my firmware ?


I have read some of the VISA functions from the LabVIEW site, but right now i am confuse that what kind of instructions should I add in my firmware (SPECIALLY) to interface with labview.

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Message 3 of 5
I don't know who Danny is.

There is nothing special that you have to add for LabVIEW that you would not add for any other software. Good practices apply. For hex data, a defined protocol with start and stop bytes, checksum, are often used. For ASCII, a terminator such as s carriage return or line feed is recommended.
Message 4 of 5

Sorry no Danny, thanks to ,


By some how you have cleared my confusion a little bit, now i will apply it practically and will ask queries if having any problem.


I appreciate to you quick response

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Message 5 of 5