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Keithley 6517B I-V staircase sweep plotting data

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Hello. I'm using labview 2018 and have the Keithley 6517B. What I need help with is creating labview program that takes a staircase sweep of voltage measured against current. I need the data record-able to a text file and plots the data with voltage on the x-axis and current or resistance on the y-axis. I'm having a hard time with the plotting, and using instrument drivers only allows me to use test for staircase voltage. I want to be able to use staircase or pulsating voltages. Any helpful advice or examples would be appreciated. 

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Message 1 of 14

If you save that for a previous version of LabVIEW (<=2017) then I'll have a look.  Attached is a template for a simple I-V sweep and plot example.

Basic Sweep I, Measure V and plot V vs. I.Basic Sweep I, Measure V and plot V vs. I.




Message 2 of 14

How do I save to an older version? I'm new to Labview and only have the 2018 version.

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Message 3 of 14

I got access to a 2015 version of LabView, It's just an example however of an older model

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Message 4 of 14

Save your code using "Save for Previous Version" under the file menu.  Choose something before 2017.


Are you using the Keithley 6517 driver VIs?


No need to include those in the saved file, I've got those.



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Message 5 of 14

Yes I have the driver and examples from NI. They do not include a staircase/square voltage vs current sweep. The 6517A examples aren't here either. 


I went over the example you have; it's to hard read what I'm supposed to do.

I need current (y-axis) vs sweeping voltage (x-axis). 

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Message 6 of 14

The driver is for the 6514/6517a/6517b and works for all 3.


If you save your code I'll have a look.  I will not try to fix that mess of 2015 stuff you posted.



Message 7 of 14

At least someone agrees those codes were too much.

I do have the driver for 6517 from NI.

Attached is a labview code I'm building from scratch. I just need to plot the current vs volatge, which is where I'm stuck. It's not much but it does sweep voltage

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Message 8 of 14

I might have the plotting done, I'm not quite sure if my coding works. I still need help creating a text document that can read it.

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Message 9 of 14
Accepted by topic author theInfiniteOne

Ok, just saw the first posted code, now the new code. 


What does *might* mean?  It either works or it does not, there is no *might*...


The easier method would be to setup the trace buffer, store the trace in memory and read it back all at once and process the measurement.


My untested attempt..not sure if the trigger needs explicit re-setup or the test sequence has done that already.  

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Message 10 of 14