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LabVIEW load error code 15: could not load default data

So I got this error message when I load one of my vi's that says:


    LabVIEW: Unflatten or byte stream read operation failed due to corrupt, unexpected or truncated data.


    An error occurred loading VI 'Photo'. LabVIEW load error code 15: Could not load default data.


I wrote the program several months ago (in LabVIEW 2009 Student Edition) and I have never had this error until recently when I made a change to a subVI. The change seemed fairly inconsequential. I can't look at my files right now to explain it more because the error is preventing them from loading. I think the change was just replacing a Empty Array? Function with an Array Size Function, and Index Array Function, and two Greater Than operators to make sure the number rows and columns of the 2D array were both greater than 2. When I ran it after making the changes without closing the vi, everything worked as it should have. However, I later closed and reopened it and that's when I first got the error. I assume this is because the main vi was recompiled.


Luckily I had some previous versions from a few months ago backed up elsewhere. First, I tried different combinations old and new versions of the suspected subvi and the main vi, which I assume (though maybe falsely) is not the culprit since I made no changes to it to no avail. Then I tried making similar changes to the subvi that were similar to the changes I think I made that caused the load error. Now, all versions of the vi cannot be opened.


I have also tried opening the vi on several other machines and in LabVIEW 7.1. Also, not sure if this is relevant but the vi does use some functions from the IMAQ plug-in, mostly from the Vision Utilities sub palette. There isn't any actual data acquisition from a camera or anything, just loading files saved on the hard drive.


I have attached the VI's. 'Photo' is the main vi and '" is the subvi, which I made the suspected changes to.


If someone figures out how to even open this, please let me know. Also if more information is needed to figure out this problem please ask. This program is pretty critical to my work so any help is much appreciated.


Thank you,


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I tried opening your VI's with LV 2012 SP1. When I load Photo the I see the same error that you described above. I can open Linear Eq - 2 without any problem. When I try to open the it says


LabVIEW: Memory or data structure is corrupt.

An error occured in loading VI ''.

LabVIEW load error code 15: Could not load default data


I searched some of our NI documentation and it appears that this issue occurs more often with older versions of LabVIEW. It sometimes occurs after saving a VI in a newer version of LabVIEW that was originally written in a previous version of LabVIEW. Some LabVIEW developers report that this happens when they add, delete or modify controls or indicators on the front panel. Also, some users see this issue when using the Unflatten from String function.


What operating system are you using? Do you have a lot of available memory on your system? Did you recently experience a crash or a hardware corruption on your system?


Unfortunately, the documentation seems to indicate that this kind of corruption is irreversible. Either you can look for an earlier version of the VI or you have to start over from scratch. I wish that you had a copy of the VI before it was corrupted because I would have liked to troubleshoot the error.


I hope that everything works out for your project. Good luck,


Jeremy P.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Thank you for replying. I am currently using LabVIEW 2009 on Windows 7, however, it is a Bootcamp partition on my Macbook Pro. I normally don't boot directly into the Windows 7 partition when working but use VMWare Fusion to work in both Mac and Windows. I have not ever written any of programs on anything but LabVIEW 2009, I don't think that is the issue. Also, to my knowledge, I don't think I used any Unflatten from String functions (unless nested within another function that I did use). I also only made changes to the block diagram in, so I don't think it is a front panel issue either.


I was able to find another copy of my files on an old USB flash drive and decided to try to make the changes I needed to on a different computer that also runs LabVIEW 2009. This worked and I was able to open and run the newly modified files on my laptop with no problem but if I make certain changes to I get the 'LabVIEW: Memory or data structure is corrupt' error you mentioned in your post. After some brief testing of what changes changes cause the error to occur I think I've narrowed it down to mostly Boolean functions. For instance, if I change and AND to an NAND or an OR, or if I add something a little more complex such as Array Max and Min, I get the error. It seems to only be happening to this one vi also.


The best theory I can come with right now is that it may be related to a VMWare Fusion crash. It's not really a crash, but sometimes when my Mac partition gets too full, VMWare will pause the Windows Partition until more disk spaced is freed up. I think this may have happened when I had the program open. I seem to remember one of the background NI processes may have crashed around this time. I do not remember which one though. This theory also does not explain why only one vi is being affected.


I have attached an uncorrupted version of the '' for you to take a look at if you wish. Maybe you can find something I can't. If nothing more can be figured out, I may just reinstall LabVIEW on my system.





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Message 3 of 4

It sounds like that incident could have corrupted the file. I'm not sure why other files were not affected. File corruption can be very complicated and hard to troubleshoot.


I can run on LV 2012 SP1  with windows 7 with no problems. I can change, delete, and include more boolean operations without any problems. I save the file, close the VI, and open it again without any issues. I can also include a Max and Min block with the same behavior. I even dropped it in as a subVI in another VI and it ran without any error. I wired the subVI with some arbitrary data (an 7x7 array with values between 1 and 200, Peak point x=2 y=3, threshold=128) and it still ran fine. Just to check, I completely closed out of LabVIEW and opened it again. Still, it runs without any errors.


Maybe my version of LabVIEW was able to repair the VI? Some of our documentation says that a newer version of LabVIEW can fix the file as long as it hasn't reached the Memory error crash stage. Try it on your system to see if it works now.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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