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LabView & Active Windows

I would like the functionality that if I were to click on a single open vi or open LabVIEW window that it only brings that window to the foreground. Currently, if I were to click on any LabVIEW window, all non-minimized LabVIEW windows are immediately brought to the foreground with the window I clicked on being brought into focus. Is there a way to configure it to only bring the LabVIEW window I click on into focus without bringing the other LabVIEW windows to the foreground?

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Message 1 of 3

Not that I know of. I have heard of people using Groupy in order to keep LabVIEW windows together as tabs on a single window, which might help you organize your work space a little.

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Message 2 of 3

@JustAName wrote:

Is there a way to configure it to only bring the LabVIEW window I click on into focus without bringing the other LabVIEW windows to the foreground?

I agree that this behavior is annoying but I got used to it over the years.

There are ideas that try to address that.  You can read the comments there.

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