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Labview and Arduino mega communication

Hello! I had a small problem when it came to communicating labview with arduino mega.

The problem is that the labview only recognizes a port (COM18, view image Puerto). The same port with which I am connecting with the Arduino.


Arduino sends data correctly through the arduino's own software. But at the time of sending that data to the labview does not send them because the labview only recognizes a port (the same one that is connected the arduino)


The labview program works fine, it has been tested by sending proteus data (using a virtual port). I work properly.


The problem I got was trying in real life with a mega arduino. (Attached image of the program)


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Hello Carlos


LabVIEW is only going to recognize ports that are showed as connected. So having only COM18 showing it is actually an expected behavior. 


You can try using the VISA interactive control and "ping" the device to confirm it is actually working fine. I assume you are serial printing in the arduino ADE correctly to be able to send data via serial. 


As well, I suggest checking the Continuous Serial write and Read example in LabVIEW to verify you are configuring it correctly.


Diego H

National Instruments

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First off always attach code, even if you think its unimportant.


Youre loop does not stop on an error and if the arduino IDE is connected to the arduino while you try to connect laview to the same port you will get an error.  Have you performed highlighted execution to check if the COM port connects from to the arduino properly?


Also, are you using a termination character to send and recieve commands with the arduino?


Attached is an example to improve your serial comsmunication and properly use the bytes at port.

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