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Let the LED flash depending on the voltage

I would like to use the NI BNC-2120 to read in a voltage digitally from a circuit and
an LED should light up when a voltage greater than 2 volts is present at the input DIO0.
In addition, a reset signal of 5V should be output from the digital output DIO1.
I would be very happy about your help.
Thanks very much


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Message 1 of 3

Please attach your own attempt at doing this (homework?) yourself.  If you can't do anything, spend some time with the tutorial material found on the first page of this Forum.  You cannot learn how to program without writing programs (well, maybe if you've mastered machine language, Fortran, C++, and PostScript, you can read about Java and "get the idea" ...).


When you reply, attach your Program (meaning the .VI file that you've created).  Who knows, by simply trying and testing (meaning "running your code and seeing what it does"), you might surprise yourself and figure it out!  [You can also ask a classmate for help ...].


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

@Bob_Schor wrote:

Please attach your own attempt at doing this (homework?) yourself.  If you can't do anything, spend some time with the tutorial material found on the first page of this Forum.  You cannot learn how to program without writing programs (well, maybe if you've mastered machine language, Fortran, C++, and PostScript, you can read about Java and "get the idea" ...).


When you reply, attach your Program (meaning the .VI file that you've created).  Who knows, by simply trying and testing (meaning "running your code and seeing what it does"), you might surprise yourself and figure it out!  [You can also ask a classmate for help ...].


Bob Schor

In addition to what Bob said, this is either a poorly worded problem or you are using the wrong input type. A DIO port does not measure voltage - it is either HIGH or LOW. If you're looking for a digital HIGH then just read the state. You can then just write the state to the other port. Give that a try and show us if you get stuck.

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Message 3 of 3