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Making Convolutional Interleaver Xilinx Core IP work

Hi all,

I have been trying to get the Convolutional Interleaver core IP by Xilinx to work but I have not succeeded so far. I am attaching snapshot of my test program here.


Convolutional Interleaver FPGA.JPGI am writing 1's and 0's to the FIFO in host and reading the data in the target. For the first valid data which happens to be 1, I am getting data_out_v as FALSE and FALSE whereas I am expecting TRUE and TRUE to be the outputs. Also, RDY and RFD flags are returning FALSE. What am I doing wrong here?


I would also like to know if I can use this convolutional encoder IP in a for loop. I have a byte as input to the encoder which I am unpacking into bits. If I put enocder in a for loop and run it for 8 times, I would be able to get encoded bits for all the 8 bits. Am I allowed to do this or are there any better methods? Please help me solve this.


Thanks in advance,


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