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Memory allocation



I am new to LabView and I am trying to use LabView to save some data at the specific memory location so that when I am running my C++ program I can access the same memory location and get the value. Is there any way to do that? or there are other better ways to transfer data between LabView and C++? 



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Message 1 of 3

LabVIEW has its own memory management. You cannot tell LabVIEW where to explicitly store something. Is the C++ program a DLL? If so you can allocate an array of sufficient size and then pass it to the DLL as a pointer so the DLL can write to that memory location. Please do a search on the NI site for calling DLLs from LabVIEW. There is also an entire chapter in the LabVIEW Help, as well as an example that ships with LabVIEW on how to call DLLs. Open the Example Finder (Help -> Find Examples) and search for "DLL".

Message 2 of 3

A good tutorial on inter-application data transfer.  What, when, how much, and timing requirements are the real world levers that influence the choice of method.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 3 of 3