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Moxa Ethernet to Serial with Visa Showing Strange Characters

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Before I go to Moxa with these questions, I was hoping to see if someone could easily say "I've seen that before and this is probably what's wrong." I am using a Moxa device that is just ethernet to serial (NPort 5150). As far as I can tell I have everything matching correctly in terms of serial configuration, and I am just doing a loopback test. However the data has some weird characters at the beginning when I read it back. These seem to shift as I add extra text at the beginning of my string and maybe has something to do with the first space in the string? Has anyone seen anything like this before with either Moxa or other ethernet to serial devices? The device does have some delimitter options but right now they aren't selected so I don't think that's the issue.


They have a DLL with functions available that I'd like to try in case they are doing something special under the hood, but I'm really trying to avoid writing a wrapper around a bunch of CLFNs if native G will do. My next step may be to compile one of their example C programs and write some data to see if I get the same results as my LabVIEW app.



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Message 1 of 5

Hi Greg,

just a couple of questions:

- The serial interface is RS 232?

- Do you see the weird characters even at very low baud rates?




Message 2 of 5
Accepted by topic author GregFreeman

Marco, your question about the serial interface got me thinking, beause yes it is 232 but has 485 capabilities...


Maybe I just needed to sleep on it, but I came in this morning and was looking at the settings. The device defaults to serial type being 485. I switched it to 232 and it worked (big surprise...).


Thanks for encouraging my brain to start working again.

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Message 3 of 5

Happy to hear the good news!



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Message 4 of 5

Hello Marco

I reply to this old post because your work is exactly what I am trying to do !! ( I had no hope when I tried to find Labview with Moxa on the community haha)


I am using Labview --> Moxa Ethernet to RS232 -->MAX323 (to TTL 5V)--> Arduino UNO


What I would like to do first is a simple application : control the led ON/OFF (pin 13) via Labview.

As I use the MOXA, I guess I need to use VISA because the Arduino is not seen as a COM port anymore... But I can't find a way to send something via pin 0/1.


Could you help me ?

Thank you !

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Message 5 of 5