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NI 9230 - input channels to measure any analog signal?

Hello All,


I have chosen NI 9230 module to sense sound through piezo electric transducer output into it.


it has three input channels , i will use audio input to it , shall i use other two inputs to measure any analog signal.

 i would like to use tilt sensor, its output will be 0-12v analog, when i go through the NI 9230 user manual, it says we use for 0-30v input, can i really use this for tilt sensor. kindly help me to clear my confusion.




thanks in advance


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Message 1 of 3
If you have an analog signal that it's compatible, you can measure it. What exactly is your confusion? You've only given the voltage range of the sensor. That's not nearly enough information.
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Message 2 of 3


knowing nothing about your tilt sensor, I would say to just be mindful that the NI 9230 provides a 4mA excitation current on the + channel by default according to the data sheet.  It says you can disable it for non-piezo sensors so it does sound like it could read any analog signal, within the given range of course.




Message 3 of 3