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NI 9802 Save File

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Hi all,


I have just purchased a NI 9802 module (placed on a RIO 9074) and would like to store data while in Scan Engine Mode. I had a look at the examples and in some similar posts in this forum and realised that I have to call it as I call any other FPGA target. What is not yet clear to me is whether I need to combine this standard method (FPGA Target --> Mount SD Card --> Perform Write Operations -->Unmount SD Card, attached here as Scan_Engine_vi) with some purpose built FPGA code running at the background.


Furthermore, in case I do have to write some FPGA code, could I just use the same VI written to control my 9478 module (see attached FPGA_vi)?


Thanks very much for your time,


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Message 1 of 6

Unfortunately, the 9802 module is not supported in Scan Mode (as of LabVIEW 2010), and can only be used in FPGA mode.  As far as you wanting to use the same code for your 9478, I am not sure that I understand your question.  Do you want to use the 9478 code in FPGA mode?  If so, your code if ok, but all of those divide functions will take up a large amount of resources.  You could use multiplication instead, and multiply by 2^-x so that you are effectively doing division, but by doing the operation with multiplication, you are using less resources.


Brandon Treece

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 6



thanks for the reply. I am using Labview 2009 and I think I got my 9802 working to a sufficient degree. My 9478 FPGA code question was very vague indeed but I will skip it alltogether for now as there is no point. Thanks for the tip with regards to my FPGA code. I ll apply these changes shortly.






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Message 3 of 6



I still have a few issues and thought that maybe you could help me out here. I have now managed to save my files in my SD card via the 9802 module using the standard RT scan engine method attached with the original post. However, I cannot find a way to download my files to my local machine. I am using the std FTP functions (please see attached) but I get the typical file not found error. I saw that there is also a download option through the FPGA invoke method but this method has absolutely no other info in or out of it.. So where does it download the file(s)??


Also note that although my card is mounted as u: (getting this from the mount sd card invoke method), ftping


returns that there is no such location..


Any thoughts?

Thanks a lot, Harry

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Message 4 of 6

Brandon or any other else reading,


after spending the best part of the day trying to understand what the problem is, I read through almost all similar posts, some dating back 3-4 years ago. It seems that there are lots of people having the same problem. They were all able to save some data in the sd card; verification by the fact that physically reading the card in another pc with an sd card slot you can see that all data has been saved. 


However, they all had problems accessing the cards via ftp so that the whole save-download process could be done programmatically. Supposingly NI fixed these issues with 3.0.0 onwards, however, I am using RIO 3.4.1 and have identical problems.


Just to sum up, my card is not accesible neither from the standard ftp server ( nor from MAX (no drive letters y present anywhere). Note that the card IS mounted when I am trying to find it. 


Is there any workaround or should I just toss my card away??? Apologies for the frustration but this is the xth time I have to debug an NI module... Smiley Mad




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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author charmand79

Follow this (similar) link to check for solution..



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