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Number Licenses

When I took the Labview basics course, I believe we were told that we could install the program on 3 different computers is that true?  I want to confirm this before I try it.
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Message 1 of 3

Yes this is true but you cannot have any of them running at the same time. Meaning you can only use one at a time.You can also put it on your home PC in addition to the three.

Had you searched the forum before posting you would have found a couple of postings on this issue already. here's one

Software End User License Agreement

· Non-compete Language - We will be modifying the text in the end-user license agreement (EULA) to remove the language prohibiting the usage of NI software to create software that competes with NI.

· Usage Rights – We will be modifying our EULA to grant the usage of our development software to a named-user, rather than a computer. The example (heard loudly from your feedback) is that you would like to be able to own one licensed version of a LabVIEW development system and install it on an your office laptop and on a lab/test machine without legally needing to uninstall it as you move between computers. With the new license agreement, each named-user will be allowed to install their development system on up to three work computers, provided that they are the sole user of the software and that the development system is launched on only one computer at a time. In addition, if multiple developers are sharing the same computer, NI will make provisions in the license agreement to accommodate this. We believe that this will address most, if not all, of the use cases that were sent to us. Home use is not affected by this change (you are still free to neglect all of those household chores and use LabVIEW while watching Letterman)!

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Message 2 of 3

And don't forget about the Software License Agreement wich can be found here. Check out section 2A. I think will help out.



Chris C

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