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Online peer review?

I'm attempting to develop some data acquisition software for a fleet of suitcases that our company will use for going out to customers sites and auditing their setups for some pressure data, some temperature data, and some flow data.


I'd like for someone else to take a look at the code just to double check if it looks like I'm doing everything right or if there are any glaring problems here. I'd also like to get a few questions answered about the code I've written.


I've had lots of great help from the forums so far with other programs I've written and gotten through lots of issues because of it so I thought I'd toss it out here to see if anyone has a few minutes to take a look at what I've got and offer some constructive feedback.


One thing I was wondering about, these suitcases will have a cDAQ-9174 inside of them with a 9203 current module onboard to do the readings, each cDAQ will be serialized, along with the sensor package for the case, and the netbook that will be going along with it. What I wanted to know is how to write one program that I can install on each computer and have it recognize the DAQ that's in it's case, (either through a setup process, or through some interaction with the operator) so that I don't have to write the program for each case, going into the DAQ assistant in each one and changing the DAQ name. I'd also like this option in case any of the DAQ's/computer's need to be switched from case to case. I know that most of the forumites shun the DAQ assistant, and if it's easier to do this using DAQmx, then I guess it's time I manned up and learned how.


Thanks in advance for any help.



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Message 1 of 7

I updated the top level .vi with some notes to explain a little more. Probably easier to understand what I was going for if you download this one instead of the first one.



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Message 2 of 7

Overall it looks pretty good.


My comments

  1. Wire the error clusters
  2. You don't need the sequence structure. Put the reinitialize invoke node after the bottom loop or in the Stop state.
  3. In your initialize state you have a get queue status but none of it's outputs are used. You don't need it.
  4. You have a single iteration for loop with prompt for user input. You don't need to put it in the loop.
LabVIEW 2012

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Message 3 of 7

Please don't ever again post a VI set to run when opened.

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Message 4 of 7

Sorry about the run when open, I didn't think about that. Won't happen again.


The Get Queue Status was put there originally to check to see if the queue had items in it before proceeding to the read and write cases. I realized it didn't need it so I unwired it but forgot to remove the status.


Thanks for the other tips, I'll put them to use.


Anyone have any ideas for writing something to identify the program to the case that it's in? Can this be done during installation of the program. I'm still new to distribution, so any help there would be great.





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Message 5 of 7


@Dennis Knutson wrote:

Please don't ever again post a VI set to run when opened.

I didn't notice that since the vi was broken - I don't have DAQ-MX installed. But that could be dangerous. Is there any way to avoid automatically running a vi? Maybe LabVIEW should have some kind of "safe mode"?


LabVIEW 2012

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Message 6 of 7

If you drop the VI into a blank VI as a subVI, then open it from there, it will open in edit mode.  It is not automatic but not very much of a burden either.



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Message 7 of 7