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Ping.exe and curl.exe erorrs after installing LabVIEW 2011

I recently installed the evaluation version of LabVIEW 2011.  Since that time, I am constantly getting 2 errors back-to-back - the first for ping.exe and the second for curl.exe.  The error is the same for both: "The application failed to initialize properly (memory address). Click on OK to terminate the program."  The only option I have is to click OK.  Everything still seems to function normally, but this has become very annoying as it appears every 5 minutes or so.  It did not occur until after I installed LabVIEW 2011 and the Arduino Toolkit.  This requires the VI server with TCP/IP port enabled, but even after disabling this I still get the error messages.  I'm using Windows XP with SP3.


Any ideas what could be causing this?  I didn't have any problems until after I installed LabVIEW 2011.  I haven't tried uninstalling it yet since I am required to use it for a class, and I was hoping to use that as a last resort.


Thanks for your help!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hello Kamic,


I am a Application Engineer at National Instruments UK and will help you overcome this problem. Are the ping.exe and curl.exe you refer to contained within the error messages you are recieving? Have you had a previous version of LabVIEW installed on your system and did the tool kit work successfully with this.


In inital research of your problem I have found a useful community article regarding the installation of the Arduino tool kit. Would it be possible for to check through this and ensure you installed the correct items in the correct order. The toolkit uses NI:visa drivers so it is important to install these after the installation of LabVIEW.


Please could you update me with the above information, in the mean time I will install the toolkit with LabVIEW 2011 on my PC.


Thanks for the information in advance,

Aaron. E
Product Performance Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Hi Aaron:


Thank you for your response.  I followed all the steps in order for installing the Arduino Toolkit.  These were the steps I took.


1) Install LabVIEW 2011 (computer restart necessary).

2) Install the NI-VISA drivers (computer restart necessary).

3) Install the VI Package Manager.  After installing the 2010 version linked on the NI Aduino Toolkit website, an update appeared to download the newest version of the Package Manager (2011).  I then proceeded to install the latest version.

4) Install the Arduino Toolkit through the link on the website.


I'm not exactly sure at what step the error appeared.  Since every step almost required a computer restart, and I knew I wanted to install the toolkit, I just kept installing everything without really pausing between steps.  So unfortunately I don't know which step would have caused these errors to appear.


Thank you for you help in this matter!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Sorry for the delay in my responce on this issue, I have been away from my desk. I am currently working on it and will get back to you asap.



Aaron. E
Product Performance Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hi Kamic,


I have replicated the installation you carried out and have not experienced any errors that you have described. I think the issue is with LabVIEW not the other utilites you have installed.


One possible cause could be the Physical Address Extension (PAE).  Could you confirm if you are using a 32 or 64 bit OS and if you are using 32bit or 64bit LabVIEW.  I have found on our KnowledgeBase a good KB that would help you if the PAE is causing the error. NI software does not support PAE so to do this it simply needs to be disabled.


Please follow through the steps described and let me know how you get on. I will continue looking at other potential causes of this error.



Aaron. E
Product Performance Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Thanks, Aaron.  I am using 32-bit Windows XP SP3.  And I realized I never answered your first question: No, I did not have a previous version of LabVIEW installed on my computer.


It turns out PAE was enabled on my computer.  I'm not sure why since I only have 3 GB of memory installed, and it seems like that is for 4+ GB of memory.  I followed the steps in the Microsoft article to disable it.  After restarting the computer, that error message has not since appeared.


Hopefully that fixed the problem!  I'll post again in a day or two to let you know either if it does or does not appear, but for the time being it seems to be working.


Thanks for your help!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Thanks for your reply. Hopefully that has solved your problem.


If you require any further assistants feel free to get in touch.



Aaron. E
Product Performance Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7