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Problem in receiving data in TCP/IP Port

Dear All,


In Master PC I'm sending data to Virtual COM port and this has been monitored by port sniffer, using 

Serial to ethernet convertor software in Master PC  data in the VCOM is mapped to TCP/IP Socket No(Port) and Client PC I'm listen to the Same port no(TCP/IP Socket No), I'm not receiving any data that transmitted to the VCOM till I send any data to the same TCP/IP socket .



It's like when ever I'm sending any charater from the client side to TCP/IP socket then only I could able to receive the data in the TCP IP buffer. 






Kindly provide me the solution for receiving the data through TCP IP port.



Thanks in advance



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Message 1 of 4

You need to provide us your VI or present more meaningful information. Right now your problem is too ambiguous.

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Message 2 of 4

Software we used for Conversion of Data in serial port to TCP/IP socket was Eltima Serial to Ethernet Connector, and Utility for send data is also attached with this post(Test Utility). We used normal TCP/IP Active Read VI in Examples for doing this testing.


Scenario: Data from test utility will be given to Virtual COM port created by the Eltima SEC software, and in another PC we are listening to the data transmitted to the VCOM through TCP IP Port No.


Problem Faced: Transmitted Data to the Virtual COM port is not received Completely in TCP/IP Active Read Vi. Only after sending data from that VI we could able to receive the data in the buffer.


Note: Kindly rename the TestUtility.Txt to TestUtility.rar link for Serial to Ethernet Connector Software.

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Message 3 of 4

Unfortunately it does me no good to have that utility since I don't use the Eltima software, but let me try to rephrase your problem (tell me if I'm correct):


You're using a serial-to-ethernet utility that takes data from Virtual/Real COM ports on your Windows host, bundles that data into TCP/IP packets, and sends that data to a remote PC.  In a normal situation, you'd have an app on the remote PC that unwinds that TCP/IP data and feeds it to Virtual COM ports - you're sharing Serial data over ethernet. 


However, you're finding that RT doesn't seem to allow you to receive the TCP/IP data from the originating Windows host.  I assume you're setting up a TCP listener on a given TCP/IP Port, and expecting to hear the data stream so you can write a parser to unbundle the data on the RT side so that you can process the Serial data from the originating Windows host. 


Does that sound about right?


It seems to me that with the TCP/IP you'd need to know an aweful lot about the protocol that they're using - I don't mean TCP/IP, but the manner in which they're sending/receiving data back and forth via TCP; this sounds like something only the people at Eltima could tell you (if they wanted to, which they probably wouldn't). 


However, they do seem to have the "Share serial port using UDP" option, which sounds a LOT like what you want.  That does not require the Serial-Ethernet Converter software on the remote site (RT) in order to work, and it seems more likely that they would share with you the format (or you could deduce it from the Wireshark Data).  The UDP seems more legitimate, and you don't have to toy with knowing when new TCP connections become active and handshaking them and such.



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Message 4 of 4