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Process for converting 2023 Q3 back to Q1?

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Let's say I've got 2023 Q3 installed, and I'd like to revert back to Q1.  The Q3 installation appears to have overwritten Q1.


I'm assuming I can't have both installed at the same time.  What's the process?  Uninstall Q3 entirely, then install Q1 from scratch?  Is the file format identical between Q1 and Q3, or will files need to be saved for previous (although there isn't an option for Q1, so assuming they're the same...)?


[Background information: LabVIEW 2023 Q3 keeps getting stuck in infinite compile loops (will decide to compile 1000's of VIs at unexpected times, really doesn't like it if you modify class data, struggles with .vims)...seen memory consumption get up to 22 GB(!) without even running code...project isn't that big. Works great sometimes (and code runs if it loads), but then hits serious snags, and it's become unmanageable and unproductive to continue down this route. "Saving to Previous" hangs when attempting to save back to 2022. Figured I'd attempt 2023 Q1 if the files are identical.]

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Message 1 of 4

In the "old days" (before the Q numbers), LabVIEW was usually released in August (at NI Week), and (sometimes) a "Patch" release (often called a ".5" release, as I recall).  Releases didn't "mess with each other" -- you could have LabVIEW 2013, 2014, 2015.5, even2012 all co-existing with little interference (you had to be careful, of course, to use the "correct" LabVIEW version when you save the file -- Version Control can really save your rear end!


With the "squishiness" of LabVIEW installations these days, many of us are even more reluctant to install the latest versions except on different machines (or VMs).  It gets especially hairy when you get the confusion with the Q versions.  I've got 2021 (no Q there, I think) installed on a machine or two, and am contemplating convincing my colleagues to migrate (letting me do the Installations, it is so flakey).


In the case of going back to LabVIEW 2023 Q3 to LabVIEW 2023 Q1, what I would do is to completely uninstall LabVIEW before trying to install an earlier version.  There is probably no way to avoid the "latest version" of NIPM, however ...


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author _carl

2023 Q1 and Q3 are binary compatible.  You need to uninstall Q3 and then install Q1.  Nothing needs done to your code.

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Message 3 of 4

Right now i am also facing a problem concerning some initial values of Shared Variables. When i go in the properties of the variables it says that the license is missing and the initial value of the variables cannot be updatet outside LabVIEW ( baiscally inside LabVIEW neither ) 

I also wanted to downgrade my 2023 Q3 version to 2023 Q1 but didnt find a proper solution like you. So i have to delete Q3 and install Q1 again.

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Message 4 of 4