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Processing R134 Tables in a VI

Hi you all! I hope you´re all fine


I´m working in the digitalization of a Refrigeration Bank. It´s for testing and experimental purposes (mechanical Engineering students). I made the VI that I considered that fits for the case. It´s the one in the attachment. I´m receving 10 values from the bank (5 for temperature and 5 por Pressure). As you may know, for Thermodynamic purposes I have to use some tables (R134 tables) so i can get the enthalpy in every point i have the sensors. That´s just for calculations on the Heat Rate.


I have everything set up, but I don´t know how to make Labview "recognize" (I know it´s not the correct word for the case) or analyze somehow those tables so I can get the enthalpy for each point with the values i´ll be reading in LABVIEW.


I´ve been searching for this a lot, and i haven´find any guide or possible help. I hope i could get it from you!


Thanks a lot and best regards

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Message 1 of 3

Hey Carlos!


Try this VI. Is this what you've been looking for?


You enter with values of Temperature and Pressure and you get the value of Enthalpy based on a Table Analysis.



Felipe Flores

Engenharia de Aplicações

National Instruments Brasil

Felipe Flores
Technical Support Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3
(2,017 Views) for LabVIEW 2009 attached

Felipe Flores
Technical Support Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 3