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RT system losing Custom Scale data on reboot

I recently updated from LV 8.6 to 2009, and since the update, I have had two different RT systems exhibit the same weird problem: upon reboot, the RT system (PXI-8106 controller) loses all data in its Custom Scales. The scales still show up in MAX, but the data (i.e. the Slope & Offset values) are all zeroes. The system will then trigger some DAQ errors during task initialization because of the messed up scales, and then will hang up.


Both times this has happened, I have been able to import an older backup MAX config file and restore the original scaling values. But it sure seems weird that just the scaling data would get corrupted...

Has anyone else run into this problem? Is it already a known issue with NI? Is there anything we can do to prevent it?


P.S. I'm running MAX 4.6.

P.P.S. Maybe somewhat related--MAX version 4.6 no longer allows you to modify a custom scale from a virtual channel. That is, if you are configuring a channel with a custom scale applied and you click the wrench icon to modify the scale, nothing happens. Previous versions would open a dialog box to edit the scale configuration. That just seems like a UE-related error, but maybe it might be somewhat related...if scale data is store in a separate database, perhaps....?

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Message 1 of 4

Hi TurboPhil


Did you update the controller with the latest softare (LabVIEW Real-time 2009)?


Also have you tried formatting the controller and reinstalling the software?



National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 4

Yes, all of our RT controllers have LVRT 2009f2 installed.


And, I might add, it's a bit disconcerting that the go-to answer I get for every RT-related problem is to format the controller and reinstall.

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Message 3 of 4

Hi TurboPhil,


Sorry for the generic response, however 90% of the time a format fixes the customer's issue.


From the research I have done, I do not see any previous issue with losing the custom scale information on reboot.


Did this only start happening  on reboot?

What version of the DAQmx driver do you have?



National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 4 of 4