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Re: LabVIEW driver for Advanced Energy Cesar 0210 RF generator

I want to make LabVIEW VI for all the above command list. Kindly help me.

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Message 11 of 21

@jason-cce wrote:

1.According to the TERMINAL_CAPTURE.jpg, the correct baud rate setting is 9600,n,8,1

2.If all the response is only one line with CR, you can enable the Termination Char and set the read count as many as possible.

3.If the response could be more than one line, maybe try to disable the Termination Char and use bytes at port and put a wait before the read.

4.A NAK response indicates an error in the command, maybe the command needs to add an extra parameter.

Your point 3 is bad advice. Bytes at Serial Port is almost never the correct answer, and in those cases where it is the correct answer, you deal with a device that is definitely to complex to handle for anyone without a few years of programming device communication under his or her black belt!


if it sends sometimes more than one line per command you still read one line a time but in a loop until you know the device is finished. With this device the message end indication seems to be either a solitary NAK or OK in the line!


That is 200% more reliable and easier to program than trying to do a response reading with Bytes at Serial Port.


The only situation where Bytes at Serial Port is sometimes useful in normal drivers is to check if there are already more than 0 bytes available, if so start reading the data WITHOUT using the value returned from Bytes at Serial Port, otherwise do other stuff and retry later on. This way your application can do useful things while it waits for the device to respond.


if you haven't done so yet, go watch Tim’s great presentation: VIWeek 2020/Proper way to communicate over serial

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 12 of 21

Hi  Sir

I made one labview programme for serial control of my RF Generator.

Response is coming fine with property node for reading multiple line.

I have tested one by one all my 28 command but now  i want to make GUI screen in which i want to send group of command at one using string of array or somethiing like that. I have categorize my command types in various categories- Serial setting, Initialize, operation, matching inf etc.

But i want to send command in a group rather than invidually. Also for RF ON/OFF, led control button to ON and OFF RF. 

i have attached the my programme and i have mentioned my command in group A. 

Alos one more thing that in my array of string i am unable to save the changes in programme list. Can you please help me also in editing and saving command list in Array of string. 

i am attaching list of commands also.

  1. AFA -- <VALUE>--Changes the Maximum Frequency
  2. AFF -- <VALUE>--Changes the current RF Frequency
  3. AFI -- <VALUE>--Changes the Minimum Frequency
  4. AFS -- <VALUE>--Changes the Strike Frequency
  5. ALM                        Returns Alarm Status.
  6. CMP <VALUE>Returns Customer Maximum Power.
  7. CMR <0, 1, 2><0, 1, and 2 >Changes the RF Control Source. 0=Local, 1=Remote, 2-Serial
  8. CMS <0, 1, 2><0, 1, and 2 >Changes the Set point Source. 0=Local, 1=Remote, 2=Serial
  9. FOR Returns the Forward Power. - returns continuously
  10. FRE Fault Reset.
  11. GFI Returns all stored frequency information
  12. GMI Returns all current Metering data
  13. GRF Returns all relevant RF information
  14. PAI Returns the PA currents (- returns continuously)
  15. PAV Returns the current DC Voltage (- returns continuously)
  16. PWR Returns Forward. Reflected, Gamma, and SWR
  17. REF Returns the Reflected Power. <- continuously>
  18. RF+ Turns RF On
  19. RF- Turns RF Off
  20. RFT Returns how long RF has been on.
  21. RPS Returns Status/Mode of the Generator.
  22. RSC <0,1,2><0, 1, and 2 >RS-232/RS-485. <0=RS-232, 1=RS-485 (4-wire), 2=RS-485 (2-wire) RSE Returns the Setpoint (- returns continously). RSR Status Bus. Provides a decimal value containing many of the active settings on the generator SBD ><0,1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9>Changes the serial COM baud rate based on pre-set values.
  23. RSE Returns the Set point (- returns continuously).
  24. RSR Status Bus. Provides a decimal value containing many of the active settings on the generator
  25. SBD <0,1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9><0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 >Changes the serial COM baud rate based on preset values.
  26. SET <VALUE>--Changes the Set point.
  27. STP Stops Continuous Data Return
  28. VER Returns the Version of the Generator

Please help me making the Final GUI. I have attached the invidual testing of my programme one by one.

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Message 13 of 21

Hi  Sir

I made one labview programme for serial control of my RF Generator.

I am sending command sequentially i.e. one by one and Response is coming fine with property node (response is having multiple line)

Now i want to send all the command as once using Array of string. 

I have tested one by one all my 28 command but now  i want to make GUI screen in which i want to send group of command at once using string of array or somethiing like that.

I have categorize my command types in various categories- Serial setting, Initialize, operation, matching inf etc.

But i want to send command in a group rather than invidually.

Also for RF ON/OFF, led control button to ON and OFF RF. 

i have attached the my programme and i have mentioned my command in group A. 

Also one more thing that in my array of string i am unable to save the changes in programme list. Can you please help me also in editing and saving command list in Array of string. 

Please help me making the Final GUI. I have attached the invidual testing of my programme one by one.

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Message 14 of 21



I have prepared the LabVIEW programme for sending all the command sequentially.

I have attached my programme.

1.)  I want to select only limited string from the command response.

e.g. Response of VER command is- 
VER, AX5000_2.40.4c

So, want to display only AX5000_2.40.4c i.e. I want to extract output as AX5000_2.40.4c.

How to do this?


2.) I want to send few sets of command in one Array of string like right now i am sending VER and ALM command using Array of string with carriage return constant separately for each command.

How to do this?


I am attaching my new vi and screenshot of output received from my device.

Please reply.


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21




I have prepared the LabVIEW programme for sending all the command sequentially.

I have attached my programme.

1.)  I want to select only limited string from the command response.

e.g. Response of VER command is- 
VER, AX5000_2.40.4c

So, want to display only AX5000_2.40.4c i.e. I want to extract output as AX5000_2.40.4c.

How to do this?


2.) I want to send few sets of command in one Array of string like right now i am sending VER and ALM command using Array of string with carriage return constant separately for each command.

How to do this?


I am attaching my new vi and screenshot of output received from my device.

Please reply.

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Message 16 of 21


IN Multiple line response, i need to display only selected response. 




I have prepared the LabVIEW programme for sending all the command sequentially.

I have attached my programme.

1.)  I want to select only limited string from the command response.

e.g. Response of VER command is- 
VER, AX5000_2.40.4c

So, want to display only AX5000_2.40.4c i.e. I want to extract output as AX5000_2.40.4c.

How to do this?


2.) I want to send few sets of command in one Array of string like right now i am sending VER and ALM command using Array of string with carriage return constant separately for each command.

How to do this?


I am attaching my new vi and screenshot of output received from my device.

Please reply.

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Message 17 of 21

Can you "Save For Previous Version" to Labview 2019 or earlier?


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Message 18 of 21

yes sir,

I have saved in LabVIEW 2019 Ver and I am hereby attaching my code. 

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Message 19 of 21


I want to make an RF interlock based on temperature signal and online Reflection coefficient (RC) measurement.

I have drawn the schematic for the required implementation in LabVIEW. please help me in implementing the part after RF ON/OFF.

how to implement RC <10% and keep RF ON for 1 min i.e. for pulse operation and then switch RF OFF.

In 2nd case if RC>10% Then immediately switch OFF RF ON/OFF switch.



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Message 20 of 21