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Read a particular column in excel spreadshee​t

 I ve created a project that measures temperature and water level. I want the data to be saved into an excel spreadsheet. I have attached the project.

 Thank you for your help.

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A couple of points:

  • Don't confuse Excel, the name of a Microsoft Program that and write and read a variety of "Spreadsheet" formats, including its proprietary .xls and .xlsx files, as well as ordinary text files that use the Comma-Separated Values (.csv) format, with what LabVIEW calls a "Spreadsheet File" or a "Delimited Spreadsheet", which is an ordinary text file that uses a delimiting character (by default, <tab>) for column separators and "lines of text" for rows.
  • You should probably spend a little more time learning LabVIEW Basics.  You will know when you've "learned enough" when you can stop using Express VIs.
  • To read a particular column from a LabVIEW Delimited Spreadsheet File, the easiest way to do this is to read the entire file (quick quiz -- what is the output from such a read?) and be able (with a single function) to isolate whatever row or column you wish to process.  If you can't do this, go back to the previous Bullet Point.

Bob Schor

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