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Read from measurement file vi is not working

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Hi experts!

I want to display a previously recorded tdms file in another vi. But I kept getting error 7 , and the data is not shown in the graph indicator... (see attached jpeg file)


Here is the tdms file:


I have also attached my vi to this post. 


Please help:-(




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Message 1 of 5

Error 7 is File not Found.


So is the file you are trying to read actually located where you tell LabVIEW it is?


The filepaths you have in your VI are very odd in that they say /c/users/ .....  in that they use forward slashes and that it is c  rather than c:\


What OS are you operating on with this VI?

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Message 2 of 5

Yes, the file is at the same location as specified by the path.


I tried changing the /c/users... to \c\users... and to C:/users...  All three path gave the same result/errors. Also, the path is selected from a dialog box, not typed, so it is in its default form.


I am using windows 10.



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Message 3 of 5

Attached is the location where the flie is.

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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author bazingagirlsun

I see the problem.  This is code that is running on a myRIO.  You need to think of the myRIO as another computer.  It does not have access to your C drive.  If you want the myRIO to read the file, you first need to put the file on the myRIO (through FTP or WebDAV) and point your control to the file on the myRIO.

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