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Reading and decoding binary packets with serial communication

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That should be 0 not 5! If for some reasons the remainder of the message that needs to be read is 5, it will fail now!


And you do likely not read the matching message but some other message even though the address is the same. You request 7 registers but only get back 1. So either the device decided to only return one register since the registers directly beyond that one are invalid, or you received a different message that the device was spitting out on its own and the response that was returned for your command is still in the queue.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 21 of 38

I changed it to 0, nothing changed, the data can still be read.

I tried different addresses, I can read from those addresses. I haven't tried multi-reading.


And you do likely not read the matching message but some other message even though the address is the same.

I don't fully understand what you're saying here.

Currently, the device does not spit out different messages. Because when I open different broadcasts, the values I read get mixed up.

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Message 22 of 38
Accepted by topic author constructionworker

@constructionworker wrote:

I changed it to 0, nothing changed, the data can still be read.

Yes this should have been 0. I told you there were still little critters (bugs) in the code that are hard to squash when you can't run the code with a real device.


I tried different addresses, I can read from those addresses. I haven't tried multi-reading.


And you do likely not read the matching message but some other message even though the address is the same.

I don't fully understand what you're saying here.

Currently, the device does not spit out different messages. Because when I open different broadcasts, the values I read get mixed up.

In the image you show you specify to read 7 registers so the function should send a command that tells the device to return 7 registers in batch mode. But you only receive 1. Since you receive no error, the received message seems to be valid with correct CRC, so it can't be a decoding issue.


This leaves only 3 options:


- The device returns different packages on its own, but you say you disabled that.

- The device decides to only return 1 register anyhow, for instance since the register right after it is not a valid register address and hence can't be returned.

- The code to write a command to the device somehow doesn't properly encode the number of registers to return or doesn't enable the batch mode bit.


And of course once we know that something seems to be off, it is very easy to spot the error in UM7 IME Write Packet \facepalm




Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 23 of 38

I agree with you. but even if you don't have the device with you, your power to interpret the code is really good.
I don't understand why you updated the code. Have you made any changes?
I think it's like you said. For example, if I open all the publications randomly, the other indexes of the directory are filled with information, but when I close everything, only the information from the sent address is read.
How can I read from multiple addresses? I tried to send addresses in an array one by one using the foor loop, but it only returned information from the address at index 0.

In addition, I would like to ask one more thing. There are two data types nested here, I parsed the data, but I don't know if it is correct, do you think I am doing it right? as shown in the picture below.

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Message 24 of 38

Yes I updated the UM7 IME Write Frame (and fixed the error you found in UM7 IME Read Frame too) and appended the new archive.


It now set the Batch flag correctly if you request more than one register so that the device should return accordingly multiple registers.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 25 of 38

I've done some testing right now and I've found that the field here is not working properly. because i''write registers'' field always gives a value of 0. Therefore, only one address can be read. I have elaborated a little more in the picture below. Do you think there is something wrong here?

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Message 26 of 38

@constructionworker wrote:

I've done some testing right now and I've found that the field here is not working properly. because i''write registers'' field always gives a value of 0. Therefore, only one address can be read. I have elaborated a little more in the picture below. Do you think there is something wrong here?

Yes I do! Tip, check your image with the image I posted 3 posts earlier. Do you see any difference? I described what was the problem, added a picture of the diagram and a ZIP archive with fixed VIs there!


Also you still have trouble to understand even basic LabVIEW programming it seems. I really would recommend you to go through those training materials linked to at the top of this LabVIEW forum.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 27 of 38

It's really embarrassing not to see the difference after looking at it a few times.

Thanks for your patience.

There is a sentence to describe my current situation, a person who can't swim goes into the sea. 


Currently I am reading 2 registers starting from address 112 and data cannot be read from serial communication and data can be read again, there is a break. what is the reason of this ?

This is especially true when numbers are increasing.

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Message 28 of 38

What are the errors you get? Why do you not show the error cluster on your VI panel? What is the timeout you specify when initializing the serial port?


Most likely what happens is that you get some error in one of the VISA Read function, likely a timeout error. Why? Well here ends may ability to guess things. Without hardware to debug with it's pretty much impossible to do any more analyzing.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 29 of 38

@rolfk wrote:

What are the errors you get? Why do you not show the error cluster on your VI panel? What is the timeout you specify when initializing the serial port?


I showed the error I got in the picture below. I set the timeout period to 10 seconds.

I think it's really challenging. Your solution suggestions so far are really great and instructive.

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Message 30 of 38