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Real time feedback delivered as a filter applied to video

I am designing a neurofeedback experiment where a subject watches a video wearing an EEG cap. The tricky thing is, I require that a grayscale filter be applied to the video in real time (ideally every 500ms). Is this possible to accomplish in Labview? 


My set-up, briefly, is as follows: I'm acquiring the EEG data using Curry 7, which sends 500ms data segments to matlab, where a script applies a fast fourier transform to a signal of interest. This script returns the value I'm using to determine that 500ms-time-period's affect on the filter (whether the filter moves towards grayscale or saturated color).


Does Labview have the functionality to allow me to take these values and use them to change the filter being applied to the video? 


I am new to Labview and would apprechiate any guidance on this issue. Thanks!

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There is a grayscale morphology function included in the NI Vision Software that may do what you are trying to accomplish. This is a software add-on that is not included with LabVIEW. The link to the help page can be found below.


Additionally, you can manually manipulate the arrays associated with the image in LabVIEW, however I don't know if that would be as fast as you specified. 



Carli S.
Troubleshooting & Maintenance Digital Business Manager - NI
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