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Referencing other packed libraries within a packed library

How would you go about referencing a PL inside another PL without creating a copy of the referenced PL when building?


I have a PL1 that is used by PL2. PL2 is used directly and so is PL1 so when LV builds an executable I assume PL1 gets included twice even though (in this instance) they are the same version.


Found the solution for this part:



I can see some potential problems with doing this, namely the referenced PL is rebuilt and no longer compatible, but are there any ways to overcome this?


Using LV2018 32 bit

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@matt.baker wrote:

I can see some potential problems with doing this, namely the referenced PL is rebuilt and no longer compatible, but are there any ways to overcome this?

You have the same issue with DLLs and APIs in general.  Plan ahead is about all I can say there.

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