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Required space on RT target for LabVIEW Control design & Simulation

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I want to run a DLL-file on a RT-target using LabVIEW Control design & Simulation, but I'm not sure of the required amount of RAM on the RT-target. My RT-target options are cRIO 9002 and cRIO 9004 with 32 and 64 MB of RAM respectively. Is that a sufficient amount of RAM to run the simulation? ¨¨


Thanks in advance

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Accepted by topic author esplu88

This is going to depend on the size of your dll, the size of the rest of the code you'll be creating, other drivers/modules needed, memory usage when your application runs, etc.


The 9002 and 9004 don't have much RAM on them and installing the minimum software to run a Control Design & Simulation (CD&Sim) application will take up about 22MB of it (the majority of the 9002's available RAM). It might be possible to run your application on these two controllers ifyou keep it small but that will depend on what you want to do.

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