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Reusing Custom Controls in a VI Template

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My question is about making my subVI modules more reusable using templating. 

I am writing a queued message handler application to control many different asynchronously running instruments. 


One super-nice feature of templates I recently discovered is that if you include a subVI or control as a template within your VIT file, 

if you create a new VI using that VIT file it will automatically prompt you to re-save these files, which would save me a lot of time when duplicating 

my Queued message handlers for different modules. (I know the Actor Template eliminates this, but it's important that I get this done soon and I don't want to modify my project too much at this point). 


My question is that with the Control Template I seem to be unable to use a ctt file in the same way. That is, I can have one instance of a ctt but when I try to create a copy of it I am prompted to resave it as a .ctl file, so if I create a new VI from the template I am unable to update all instances of the control in this convenient manner. 


Is there a work around for this? 


Thank you in advance!



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Accepted by topic author smallmediumlarge

Ah, actually I solved my problem; you just can't use quick select because then it will use the template to create a new ctl file. 

To drop a ctt I needed to select the .ctt file via browser. Whoops. 

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