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Save Part of Front Panel as picture - sharing VI and asking for advices


I use LabVIEW 8.2.1. (DSC&RT),

It is common (at my work) that we want to save some parts of the Front Panel and to add it to the LogBook.

we usually do PrintScreen and then cut the picture to the boundaries we want using 'Paint'.

I have created a simple procedure that makes it easier and the user can now select the boundaries of the picture at the Front Panel.


You can see the 2 VI's attached, ( is a sub vi of

Open '' and press 'select boundaries' button and drag the boudaries with your mouse,

after you have selected the boudaries, press 'save picture' button.

I hope there are no bugs.


Originally I have wanted to use drag and drop, but i didn't really understand what is going on behind the scenes

when I used it.

For example - look at the example (at NI Example Finder at LabVIEW) 'Drag and Drop - Multiple Data Types to Start'

(C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.2\examples\general\dragdrop\Drag and Drop - Multiple Data Types to Start

(or via typing 'drop' in at the NI Example Finder search)

1. I don't understand how the 'Drag and Drop Data' (located at the Application Control Palette)

2. I don't understand the inside terminals of the Event Structure of 'Drag Enter' and 'Drop' -

    for example - 'available data names' and 'accepted?'

   where can I get information help written about any of the Event Structure inside terminals?

   (it does not appear in the Context Help when I enter with the mouse)

3. Do you have any comments on the VI  I did ?

4.I am planning to use this VI as a part of Log-In data to a follow-up LogBook Using Mysql as Database and NI sql connectivity toolkit,

   so users will be able to insert information to the LogBook from the Front Panel, and attach pictures of the Front Panel.

  Did anyone here has performed anything similar ?


If you send me corrections of someting or any other NI item, please send it in a version that I can see it (I use Labview 8.2.1 DSC&RT)



Sincerely Yours,

Amitai Abramson.

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Message 1 of 6
The simplest solution to your problem is to use the Code Capture Tool.
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Message 2 of 6
Also note that the CCT adds VIs to your user.lib palettes so you can use the code behind it yourself if you want to add this directly into your program so that it's automated.

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Message 3 of 6

Thank You for exposing me to the CCT.


It is a good tool.


Now, I would like to write again 2 issues from my previous message :


1. Did anyone here used the SQL Connectivity Toolkit to write data into a LogBook (based on MySQL database) or anything similar to that ?

2. where can I find a short help discription about the various inner teminals of the Event Cases ?


Sincerely Yours, 

Amitai Abramson

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Message 4 of 6

There are examples that come with the database connectivity toolkit so you are going to have to be more specific about your question. Whether you call it a logbook or something else, it's still a database and a database write is a pretty generic opertation. If you need help in the design of the database, then you should say that is what you need.


The event data is going to change depending on the event and the type of control. Again, do you have a specific question?


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Message 5 of 6
The help for each specific event lists what each terminal does. You can find the help topic for each event by searching the online help.

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Message 6 of 6